Entries by jbwstudios

The Dusty Manuscript

Are you a novelist in the genre fiction category? Do you have a cutting-edge piece including but not limited to crime, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery/thriller, etc that stretch boundaries creatively, culturally and socially? Then,

How to assess a theatre performance?

The play’s a hit – but how can you tell? Lots of opinion claim audience reaction is the best indication of effectiveness. A group of the UK theatre world’s leading industry bodies – The Society of London Theatre, Theatrical Management Association and Independent Theatre Council – have recently come up with what they believe is a completely new way of measuring the […]

Joycee: A Rough-handed Love

by Ejiro Onojaife John’s voice was what lulled me to sleep almost every day. He never stopped sounding husky like the first time he mistakenly dialed my phone number.  “Good morning doctor.” he had said in remorse that day I answered his unsuspecting call. “Sorry I could not make it to the hospital as planned.”

2018 Bristol Short Story Prize For Writers Worldwide

Deadline: May 1, 2018 Entries are now open for the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize to all writers worldwide, UK and non-UK based. The Bristol Short Story is an annual international writing competition that aims to publish great stories and promote the stories and writers as much as possible. Discovering previously unpublished writers is central […]

Revamping The Theatre Culture

Growth in the Nigeria entertainment industry has been quite phenomenal especially after the rebasing of Nigeria’ GDP in 2014. The impact of the latter tinted the service sector as the leading contributor in 2015 (inclusive of the entertainment sector).