Chinua Achebe and the great African Novel

In a myth told by the Igbo people of Nigeria, men once decided to send a messenger to ask Chuku, the supreme god, if the dead could be permitted to come back to life. As their messenger, they chose a dog. Read more

Six Nigerian-Led Hollywood Movies in 2018

2017 was a pretty great year for cinema in general — horror movies made a massive comeback and the superhero genre was in top form — we didn’t have as many black-led films as we got in 2016. Read more

August Wilson

August Wilson (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005) was born Frederick August Kittel Jr. in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the fourth of six children. His father, Frederick August Kittel Sr., was a German immigrant, who was a baker/pastry cook. His mother, Daisy Wilson, was an African-American cleaning woman from North Carolina. Read more